How does reflexology fit in?
Reflexology is an ancient therapy that has been practiced for over 5000 years. But it is only over the past hundred or so years that it has gained popularity in the western world.
Reflexology is a non-intrusive complementary therapy, based on the theory that different points on the feet, lower leg, hands, face or ears correspond with different areas of the body.
When a body is out of balance due to illness, stress, injury or disease, certain energy pathways are blocked, preventing the body from functioning effectively. Reflexologists believe that working these points or areas aids relaxation and helps improve wellbeing.
The main objective of reflexology is to bring the body to a state of relaxation or homeostasis so that it can
Reflexology can help with:
Physical benefits of reflexology
Stress relief
Improved sense of wellbeing
Pain relief
Reduced physical tension
Increased energy levels
Maintaining health
Improvement of physical condition
People of all ages can benefit from reflexology treatments and it is of specific value in stress management and the treatment of muscular pain, as well as digestive and respiratory problems. Stress and tension are responsible for the lowering of the efficiency of the immune system.
Relieves the effects of stress
Improves circulatory disorders
Improves the immune system
Helps relieve pain i.e.; backache, joint stiffness
Improves bowel movements
Improves nerve stimulation
Eliminates toxins from the body
Helps digestive problems
Helps improve pre-menstrual symptoms, hormone related imbalances, and fertility
Mental benefits of reflexology
What are contra-actions?
Can be helpful in alleviating stress, anxiety and headaches
Allows a more restful sleep
Increases energy levels
Creates a feeling of well-being
Helps with relaxation
A sense of calmness
Encourages the body to heal itself
Relief from depression
Clearer thinking and focus
Higher levels of concentration
And many other benefits
A contra-action is a reaction to treatment either during or after a session. As everybody is different the responses to a reflexology treatment will also differ for each person. These responses can occur during a session, immediately once the treatment has finished or up to 48hrs after.
It is extremely rare for a person to have an adverse reaction to a reflexology treatment. Any sign of a contra-action is a good indication that the treatment is working.
After a reflexology treatment the body will start to release toxins and depending on your health and the condition you are suffering from (if any) it will determine how strong the contra-action will be. In some cases it will take at least 3 to 6 treatments for some of these to subside.​
Sometimes after a treatment you may feel worse or have other side effects that you were not expecting. This is known as the ‘healing crisis’.
The best way to explain this reaction is how we feel when we go exercising and how we ache after an aerobics class, your body’s reaction gets worse before it gets better.
Here is a brief list of contra-actions that may occur:
Sweating of the palms or the soles of the feet
Laughing or crying
Sighing deeply
Twitching or tingling of the limbs
Sudden cramp
Electric-shock type feeling in associated zone
Warmth in the zone being treated
Fatigue or the need to sleep
Freedom from joint pain