Do you offer mobile appointments?
Routinely, This isn't something I offer. However It's something that can be discussed if your circumstances require. An additional fee of £20.00 will be added to each mobile appointment.
How do I book an appointment?
Contact me by phone, text, email or via my Facebook & Instagram Pages.
How do I pay?
Payment is accepted by Cash, Pay Pal, Bank Transfer or Credit/Debit card via my payment machine.
How often would you recommend I receive a Reflexology treatment?
This is very much dependent on the reason you’re seeking a treatment and your individual response to those treatments. Many clients who are looking for relaxation and stress relief feel an immediate benefit from one treatment, and continue to return regularly (fortnightly or monthly) or whenever they need to take out time for themselves.
Clients who visit for a specific symptom or issue often benefit from more frequent treatments initially (weekly or fortnightly), moving on to fortnightly or monthly ‘maintenance’ treatments as their health and wellbeing improves. Very generally speaking, I often recommend a course of 6 treatments in order to assess whether this therapy is something you find beneficial. Much like a gym membership, results can take time and its unlikely that one session alone will bring about a lasting impact.
What if I’m early/late for my appointment or need to cancel?
I do leave a minimum gap of 20 minutes between all client appointments to allow me to prepare for my next client. If you’re late for your appointment its unlikely I’ll be able to extend the appointment to cover your full, original treatment time. If you arrive early, please do try to wait until a minute or two before your appointment time before knocking, as I may still be preparing for your treatment.
In terms of cancellations, I do understand that emergencies and illnesses do occur, and am sympathetic to this, however, I’m sure you’ll appreciate that I also need to protect my income and try to fill cancelled appointments. If your cancellation is at short-notice (e.g. same day or within 24 hours of the appointment) and does not enable me to do this, I will request a payment of 50% of the cost of the treatment in the vast majority of cases.
Do you sell gift vouchers?
Yes, bespoke gift vouchers are available. Please email or ask in store and I will arrange this for you.